
Agriculture is the best and in first.

Apple fruit

  Apple fruit Apple is an edible fruit that cultivated worldwide. This fruit as origination of Central Asia. This is a costly fruit also a fruit that cultivated in mountain ranges. In India this fruit trees from Himalayan range. Kashmir is the suitable place for Apple cultivation. It is the species of Genus Malus. This fruits are cultural and also mythological symbols worldwide. Asia, North America, Europe are the main places for suitable to this fruit trees. There are several cultivars in apples about thousands and more. Eating raw and also cooking and juice purposes for world wide. Production of apple fruit China in first place world wide. About half of the production from China. Apple trees grown 2 to 4 meter tall while the leaves are alternately dark green. Blossoms of this trees produced in summer. Mostly in mountain areas of Central Asia, Kazakasthan, Kyrkysthan, Tazikisthan, Western China are the suitable places of apple trees. In ancient days about 2000 years ago these fruits f

Orange fruit

  Orange fruit Orange is a kind of edible fruit cultivated all over the world. This fruit originated as China also as India and South America. This fruit is a citrus fruit such as lemon. So it is as the family of citrus fruits family. These fruits are from trees. These trees mostly grown in tropical regions. Orange as in sweet orange and also itter orange. The climate of Indian region suitable for the growth of orange trees. North India very suitable for this trees growth. Nagpur Orange is famous. So that these trees mostly in Nagpur and surroundings. In south India hills and its areas for orange cultivation. But some places lands for suitable such as water irrigation systems. China, India, Myanmar, Brazil are the main countries for this production. Brazil is in first place for the producer of orange fruit. This spcie is the citrus family named as Rutaceae. The word orange derives from the Sanskrit language. Also bitter orange in Tamil. So ancient culture focused these fruits features.

Lychee fruit

  Lychee fruit Lychee is a kind of edible fruit native to China. It is also known as Litchee Chinensis. It is a tropical tree. The country China is the main producer of this fruit followed by India. The wild Lychee fruit trees still grown in parts of Southern China. This fruits introduced world wide during 1st century onwards. Han Dynasty of China introduced this fruits to the world. This fruit was the favourite fruit of Emperor Xuangzong of Tang. He was the 7th Emperor of Tang Dynasty of China. This Emperor mostly liked this fruit and delivered at great expense to the Capital. This fruits established and liked by Europeans followed by Spanish peoples. Lychee fruit introduced in 1656 by Michael Boym a Polish Jesuit Missionary to China, a Scientist and Explorer. This fruits mostly seemed not only in China also India, Vietnam, Taiwan and South Asian countries. This fruit trees suitable for warmer and also cooler conditions. Also this was the ornamental tree in some places. This fruit tre

Kaki Apple fruit

  Kaki Apple fruit Kaki Apple fruit is also a kind of edible fruit. It is unknown for the world wide but also a kind of such like Apple fruit. It is a Chinese fruit. It is called Chi in Chinese and Kaki in Japanese and also Gam in Korean and in Nepali it is called as Haluwaped. It is named as Sharen fruit in Israel. It is also such like Apple fruit of India as Kashmir Apple. But native to China. It is used about 2000 years in China. So it is an ancient fruit of China. The tree of this Kaki Apple tree is similar as Apple tree about 10 meter height. Leaves are medium dark green. The fruits of this trees ripen when the leaves of all fallen. Mostly in October and November the leaves are fallen as so far the fruits ripen. All varieties of this fruits will peoduce seedless fruits in the absence of pollination. Fruit drop depends upon climate condition and water availability. Kaki trees commonly do not bear until they are three years old. The flowers are about 2-2.5 centimetre wide in early s

Rambutan fruit

  Rambutan fruit Rambutan is a kind of edible fruit of tropical regions. This fruit is closely related fruit of Langon fruit. Also Lychee and tropical fruits such as Pulasan fruit and Mamoncilla fruit. These fruits are the tropical region fruits. The name Rambutan as the basic of Malay name. In Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia these fruits seemed and cultivated and harvested. The other countries such as Singapur, Phillippines, and Srilanka are also the lands of these fruits. These fruits have three colors in its trees. Rambutan meaning hair. So these fruits having messy hairs on its surface. In 13th century onwards these fruits established and cultivated all parts of the world. Widely planted South East Asia and its surroundings. In India this fruit trees planting only some limited areas. This fruit tree is a ever green tree at the height of 12-20 meters. The leaves are 10-30 centimetre long with alternate position. The flowers are small such like 2-5 millimetre. These Rambutan trees h

Mangosteen fruit

  Mangosteen fruit Mangosteen fruit is also a kind of fruit of tropical regions. It is evergreen edible fruit that origin of South East Asia. This fuit consist sweet, tangy, juicy fibourous with deep reddish colored when ripe. It is the main fruit of Malaysia, Sumatra and Phillippines since ancient times. This fruit introduced in the year 1855 onwards. It is established then in Weat Indies Islands, Jamica. In South East Asia this fruit known as 'Queen of Fruit' while Durian Fruit known as 'King of Fruit' Mangosteen fruit trees are sensitive to water availability. These fruit trees have a week root system. Mostly growing river banks and its surroundings. These fruit contains reclacitrant seed it means seeds that do not survive drying and freezing. These fruit young trees need shadow of banana, rambutan, durian, coconut trees. These trees have yeild of after 6 years while they plant. About 12 years and more for their life circle. The taste of these fruit different from ot

Cashew nut fruit

  Cashew nut fruit Cashew nut frut or Cahew Apple fruit is also one of the fruit that cultivated all over the world especialy tropical regions. It is native to North Eastern Brazil and South Eastern Venezuela.Then it is established all parts of the world in 15th century. Portuguese and Brazil began their export first in history records. In India it is planted in the year 1560 onwards in the Goa region. These trees are also large with ever green and many branches there. In records identified that the largest cashew tree covers about 81000 square feet and it is located in the city Natan, one of the city of Brazil. It is called only the name as Cashew Apple in  Central America. This fruit contains only one seed in one fruit. It is cultivated only the commercial purpose of this seed. Fruits are liked by peoples but nut of this fruit is important than this fruit. Eaten raw this fruit and seeds for the purpose of cooking. The nuts of this fruit extracts from the fruit and the cashew nut insi