Mangosteen fruit

 Mangosteen fruit

Mangosteen fruit is also a kind of fruit of tropical regions. It is evergreen edible fruit that origin of South East Asia. This fuit consist sweet, tangy, juicy fibourous with deep reddish colored when ripe. It is the main fruit of Malaysia, Sumatra and Phillippines since ancient times. This fruit introduced in the year 1855 onwards. It is established then in Weat Indies Islands, Jamica. In South East Asia this fruit known as 'Queen of Fruit' while Durian Fruit known as 'King of Fruit' Mangosteen fruit trees are sensitive to water availability. These fruit trees have a week root system. Mostly growing river banks and its surroundings. These fruit contains reclacitrant seed it means seeds that do not survive drying and freezing. These fruit young trees need shadow of banana, rambutan, durian, coconut trees. These trees have yeild of after 6 years while they plant. About 12 years and more for their life circle. The taste of these fruit different from other fruits. Mostly peoples identified this fruit is very difficult. Only mountain and also banks of river areas suitable for mangosteen fruit. 

In worldwide mangosteen fruits mostly produced highly in Thailand. The other countries such as Malasya, Phillippines, Indonesia produced and exportted this fruit for their commercial use. The young tree produced 200 to 300 fruits in harvest. Taste is different but health benefits very high for its important kind. In Tamil Nadu mangosteen fruits mostly seemed in Nilgriris mountains. Mettuppalayam Kallar Fruit Farm we have to see this fruits mostly and it is named as Manghusthan. This Manghusthan fruits in the bank of Bavani River and Kallar of this region. Only the climate and soil must be correct in this region for Mangusthan fruit. Harvest from this ruits have been transport to oyher areas such as Coimbatore and Chennai by lorries. Also this fruits exported to the other countries from here. In North India this fruits cultivated in hills areas and export to other places. Rare fruit but healthy fruit bought by peoples to eat their desire. In fruit stalls it is a surprise fruit. So never see any fruit stalls in the all places. So one of the different fruit for our country.

Mangosteen fruit consist more health benefits. It produces type of sexual reproduction of seed. Also consists highly nutritious. Vitamins and minerals of this fruit mostly for the wound healing, immunity and also muscle contraction. Rich of powerful anti oxidents, potential for health benefits. Reducing inflammation the diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and also diabetes. This fruit also maybe promote weight loss. Also it supports blood sugar control. Promotes healthy immune system. This ancient fruit bought by Victoria Queen for her desire to her nation. Chinese food therapy mostly prepared with this fruit. Western hemisphere identified the importance of this fruit. So all over the world this fruit shining in its  special to the humanity. Surprishing fruits focusted their important for its neednes to world. Eat healthy. Make wealthy. 


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