Lychee fruit

 Lychee fruit

Lychee is a kind of edible fruit native to China. It is also known as Litchee Chinensis. It is a tropical tree. The country China is the main producer of this fruit followed by India. The wild Lychee fruit trees still grown in parts of Southern China. This fruits introduced world wide during 1st century onwards. Han Dynasty of China introduced this fruits to the world. This fruit was the favourite fruit of Emperor Xuangzong of Tang. He was the 7th Emperor of Tang Dynasty of China. This Emperor mostly liked this fruit and delivered at great expense to the Capital. This fruits established and liked by Europeans followed by Spanish peoples. Lychee fruit introduced in 1656 by Michael Boym a Polish Jesuit Missionary to China, a Scientist and Explorer. This fruits mostly seemed not only in China also India, Vietnam, Taiwan and South Asian countries. This fruit trees suitable for warmer and also cooler conditions. Also this was the ornamental tree in some places. This fruit trees consist 200 cultivars. This fruits commonly sold fresh in Asian markets.

This fruit trees consist evergreen leaves that 12 to 20 centimetre long. The bark is grey black the branches brownish. Flowers of this tree grown on a tremind infroscence. The flowers having fragrant of small white, yellow or green colors. These Lychee bears fleshy fruits. These fruits These fruits matured about 80 to 110 days of its climate and land locations. Fruits are vary in shape of heart shaped about 5 centimetre long and 4 centimetre wide with weight of 20 gram, thin tough skin of green immature. During ripening red or pink red in smooth that covered roughly. The flesh of this fruit floral smell and a sweet flavor. The skin turns brown and dry when left out after harvesting. These fruits typically have higher in price due to having more edible flesh. In 1990 this fruits called as Chamki Bhukar in India also Ac Mong in Vietnam. This fruits harvested in the month of May to June in Vietnam. This Lychee fruit tress about history books revealed by the scientst Michel Boym and published in Vienna in 1656. He was a scientist and also an explorer. 

Lychee fruits contains 69 % of water, 40% carbohydates and also vitamins in it. Also minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and magnesium in it. Also this fruits having liver health and anti cancer activity. 100 gram of Lychee fruit having 66 colories, 83 grams proteins, 44 grams fat, 16 grams carbohydrates in it. Lychees have moderate amounts of pholyphenols. In ancient days these fruits founded by peoples as poisoning but later it would be found an edible fruit and tasted by all peoples. This fruit as same as Longan and Ackee fruits. Ackee is a fruit family of Longan and Lychee. This Ackee fruit native to Africa. In India Lychee fruit trees mostly found in Bengal region. So the eastern part of India is the correct place for this fruit trees. In such region this fruit trees grown about 5 meter to 6 meter tall consist fleshy fruits in it. China, India Vietnam are the main countries for this Lychee harvesters. But in South India it is a rare fruit. All of us know about this new fruit. 

All we know about this sour Lychee fruit and its taste. Health is good for such like this fruits. 



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