Carrot is a root vegetable usually orange in colour. Carrots are a domesticated form of the wild carrot Daucus carrot native to Europe and Southwestern Asia. The plant probably originated in Persia and was originally cultivars for its leaves and seeds. The most commonly eaten part of the plant is the taproot. The carrot is a bienniel plant in the umbellifer family Apiaceae. At first it grows a rosette of leaves while building up the enlarged taproot. Fast cultivars mature within three months of sowing the seed while slower maturing cultivars are harvested four months later.The roots contain high quantities of alpha and beta carotene and are a great source of  Vitamin K and Vitamin B6 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reports that world production carrots for calendar year 2013 was 37.2 million tones almost half were grown in China.      
 Carrots are cultivated many parts in India. Mostly hills areas the carrots main crops. In Tamilnadu Nilgiris is the main place for carrot cultivation for its climate and soil combination.  The production of carrots are transport to other parts of Tamilnadu such as Coimbatore, Madurai, Chennai and even Kerala also. Not only carrots beatroots,cauliflowers, potatoes are the main crops in Nilgiris. Also it is cultivated in other hills areas such as Arcat, Kodaikkanal and some places in Coimbatore also. It is harvested only four months.                                                                                         Carrot recipies are sweet and taste for our food. Carrot make great snacks and add a sweet,earthy taste to soups, salads, and desserts. In fact they just might be the perfect vegetable here. Also carrot have great source of vitamin that can be help our eyesight.


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