Kaki Apple fruit

 Kaki Apple fruit

Kaki Apple fruit is also a kind of edible fruit. It is unknown for the world wide but also a kind of such like Apple fruit. It is a Chinese fruit. It is called Chi in Chinese and Kaki in Japanese and also Gam in Korean and in Nepali it is called as Haluwaped. It is named as Sharen fruit in Israel. It is also such like Apple fruit of India as Kashmir Apple. But native to China. It is used about 2000 years in China. So it is an ancient fruit of China. The tree of this Kaki Apple tree is similar as Apple tree about 10 meter height. Leaves are medium dark green. The fruits of this trees ripen when the leaves of all fallen. Mostly in October and November the leaves are fallen as so far the fruits ripen. All varieties of this fruits will peoduce seedless fruits in the absence of pollination. Fruit drop depends upon climate condition and water availability. Kaki trees commonly do not bear until they are three years old. The flowers are about 2-2.5 centimetre wide in early summer season. Female flowers grow singly. It is known that female tree while male flowers grow singly as known as male tree. So trees identified and as for commercial use as the garden. Commercially for this trees as for Chinese lands.


Kashmir Apple famous in India such like Kaki Apple famous in China and Japan. This fruit grown worldwide. In 19th century owards this fruit normally spread through for commercial use. But 90 percent of this fruits totally harvested in China. After ripen this fruits harvested and cleaned.
China also used and also exported all places. East Asia and also European countries planted this varieties. In Spain this fruits seemed to the named as Rojo Brillante. Also Sharon is the trade name of this fruit in Israel. In Italy this fruit cultivated as the name of Tipo. It is smaller variety. Other countries such as Bulgaria, Albania also planted this trees. The leaves as commonly removed before serving. The skin is often removed but this is also eaten. In Korea this fruits eaten as in desserts. Dried fruits also used and for marketing in some places. Surprising fruit.

When ripe the fruit comprises thick pulpy jelly. It is also same as Kiwi fruit. So Kaki and Kiwi not only name as same but also as same for eat. Kiwi fruit also a Chinese fruit It is also known as Chinese Goosberry there. All this edible fruits liked by all peoples. Commonly the ripen of this fruit made as hung over a pole. The variety Hyukume is the fruit for making as dried Kaki fruit. This dried fruits hanged on the rakes and then uses. In Korea Permission Vinegar is made from oriental permission called Gam Sikcho. It is a traditional fruit there. Also Korean cusine has evolved through many centuries ago. This Chinese fruit mostly seemed all places. But In India It is a rare fruit. All we know about this surprising fruit. Eat healthy and also wealthy.



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