Mango---Mango is a juicy stone fruit belonging to the genus Mangefera consisting of numerous tropical fruiting trees, cultivated mostly for edible fruit. The majority of these spices are found nature as wild mangoes. Mango is the family of Anacardiaceae, genus of Mangifera and the species of M.Indica. Binomical name is Mangifera Indica. The mango is native to South Asia from where it has been distributed world wide to become one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropics It is the national fruit of India,Pakistan and the Phillippines and the national tree of Bangladesh. Mango trees are grow up to 35 to 40 meter tall with a grow radius of 10 meter. The trees are long lived as some specimens still fruit after 300 year in deep soil. The mango trees leaves are ever green alternate simple 15 to 35 cm long and 6 to 16 cm broad. The flowers are produced in terminal panicles 10 to 40 cm. Over 4000 varieties of mangoes are known many of which ripen in summer while some give double crop. The fruit takes three to six months to ripen. The ripe fruit varies in size and color, cultivars are variously yellow, orange, red and green. Mangoes have seeds they do not survive and drying. Mangoes have been cultivated in South Asia for thousands of years and reached South East Asia and East Africa and then Brazil and Mexico and wold wide. Almost half of the worlds mangoes are cultivated in India alone. Then China has second large cultivar of mangoes.
In India mangoes cultivated mostly in southern region. Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh have cultivated mostly. Harvest and safes of mangoes is during March to May. In Tamilnadu mango trees cultivated mostly in Salem district and then followed by Dharmapuri district. Salem mangoes are not only famous in India but also in world wide. Many varieties cultivated here. Malgova, Sendhuram, Panganappalli and Parrot nose are the important varieties cultivated here. Malgova mangoes are very famous and most delecious sweetest of all. Salem mangoes and mango products are exports many more countries. Climate, soil and irrigation are the main reason for here to grow for mango trees. In Dharmapuri district also have large number of acres of mango trees. Small mango plants grow here in nursery and sale to all over Tamilnadu. Not only Tamilnadu also purchase other states of these nursery plants for cultivation.
Mangoes are generally sweet . Mangoes is used to make juice, smoothies ice cream, fruit bars, sauce and more. Pieces of mango can be mashed and used as a topping in ice cream. Fruit drinks that include mango are popular in India with brands such as Frooti, Maaza, and Slice. Dried mango skin and its seeds are also used in Ayurvdic madicines. Mango leaves are used to decorate archways doors in Indian houses and during wedding celebrations. In Tamilnadu the mango is referred to as one of the three royal fruits, along with banana and jack fruit. In Hinduism the perfectly ripe mango is often held by lord Ganesha as a symbol of attainment regarding the devotees potential perfection. Mango blossoms are alao used in the worship of goddess Saraswathi.

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