Brinjal is the common name in South Asia, South East Asia and South Africa. Egg plant is the common name in North America and Australia. It is the family of Solanaceae and the genus of Solanum. Binomical name is Solanum Melongena. This egg plant is cultivated in tropical regions. It grows 40 to 150 cm tall with large that are 10 to 20 cm long and 5 to 10 cm broad. The fruit is less than 3 cm in diameter, but much larger in cul
tivated forms 30 cm or more in length. This plant cultivated Egypt every where. China, India,are also main countries. Different varieties of the plant produce fruit of different size, shape and color. The fruit can have a some what bitter taste but become tender when cooked and develops a rich complex flavors. Egg plant is widely used in its native India. This brinjal is also called The King of Vegetables. Romania and Bangladesh are also cultivated brinjal mostly. In India Tamilnadu, Odisha and West Bengal are the maximum producers of brinjal. In 2013 global production of this plant was 49 million tones. More than 1600000 hectares are devoted to the cultivation of brinjal in world. 57% of output comes from China alone. 27 %of output from India. Iran, Egypt, Turkey are also major producers.
In Coimbatore area the brinjal cultivated many places. One of the vegetable crop is this egg plant. Correct irrigation correct fertilization give higher yeild. Drip irrigation used mostly. Harvested brinjals packed by small packages and send in to market. In Coimbatore district Sundarapuram near Coimbatore and Kinathukkadavu near Pollachi are the main vegetable markets. Purchase by businessmen and export to varies places. Daily market except saturday useful for farmers to make money from vegetables. Nearby farmers come to sale their vegetables even two wheelars also. Brinjal is main vegetable cooked in Tamilnadu. Brinjal Sambar is favorite food for every tamil home. Side dish brinjal porial is also famous. Rice meals is compulsary need this brinjal sambar. In hotels also served mostly this sambar. These brinjals shaped like egg so that named as egg plant also taste is such like that egg. Mixed vegetables with brinjals such as tomato, potato are very taste and mostly liked by people in tamil culture. Boiled this brinjal is rich in taste called Avial. Many food items make by this brinjal and they are rich in taste also good for health. So that brinjal is called King of vegetables.

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