Rambutan fruit

 Rambutan fruit

Rambutan is a kind of edible fruit of tropical regions. This fruit is closely related fruit of Langon fruit. Also Lychee and tropical fruits such as Pulasan fruit and Mamoncilla fruit. These fruits are the tropical region fruits. The name Rambutan as the basic of Malay name. In Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia these fruits seemed and cultivated and harvested. The other countries such as Singapur, Phillippines, and Srilanka are also the lands of these fruits. These fruits have three colors in its trees. Rambutan meaning hair. So these fruits having messy hairs on its surface. In 13th century onwards these fruits established and cultivated all parts of the world. Widely planted South East Asia and its surroundings. In India this fruit trees planting only some limited areas. This fruit tree is a ever green tree at the height of 12-20 meters. The leaves are 10-30 centimetre long with alternate position. The flowers are small such like 2-5 millimetre. These Rambutan trees having flowers with male flowers that not produce fruits while female flowers that produce fruits that function with male flowers.

The fruit of this flesh whitish or pale pink with sweet.The single fruit is brown in color with 1 cenimetre surface. Small fruit but cotains strong sweet and taste. The seeds of this fruit also have been eaten and also cooked. In records Thailand was the largest producer followed by Indonesia and Malaysia. These fruits are sold fresh in condition. These fruits are short sfelf life fruits. So these can be used or exports shortly y quick timings. In India these fruits only seemed in Kerala State. Specially Pathinamthitta is the only place of Kerala and also in India. Commonly these fruit trees planted only female flowers require. So mostly these that produce high proportion of functionally female flowers and only few male flower functioned for fruit purpose. In Srilanka these trees seemed in small home gardens for their use. In the month of May, June and July is the period of harvest time. In Phillippines these fruit trees are two cultivars that are Common Rambutan and Maharlika Rambutan as the varieties of seeds only. The Maharlika Rambutan is the higher in price than common. 

The specific name of Rambutan fruit is Momon Chino or Chom Chom. European Union marketed this fruits during the season as for those countries. These fruit contains full of Vitamins, Minerals and also benefits of health controls. These fruit promotes healthy digestion. Also it may have of weight loss and control the health of the body. Also this may help fight infection. Also it may reduce cancer risk, may protect against heart disease and protect against diabetes. The three fruits such as Lychee, Longan and Rambutan very similar as once peeled. In these three fruits Rambutan is biggest while Lychee is slightly smaller. Logan has a brown smooth outer skin covered with tiny hairs. Rambutan fruit contains 78% of water and mostly cotains Manganese. Also these fruits have pleasant fragrance. This fruit does not contain significant polyphenol content. Other micronutrients are low in level. These surprising fruits mostly rare in Indian subcontinent. Also no more in fruit stalls. So different kind of fruit Rambutan used and liked other countries for their use of eat and cooking purposes. 


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