Tender Coconut

Tender coconut
Tender coconut water refers to the liquid endosperm of a tender coconut at an age of approximately 9 month from time of pollination the period before the solid endosperm or white meat forms. Numerous medicinal properties of tender coconut water reported are- 1.Good for feeding infants suffering from intestinal disturbances. 2. Oral rehydration  medium. 3.Containing organic compounds properties.4.Keeps the body cool.5.Kills the intestinal worms.6.Presence of saline and albumin makes it a good drink in cholera cases. 7.Checks urinary infections. 8.Excellent drink for old and sick. 9.Cures malnourishments.10.Effective in the treatment of kidney and urethral stones.   Sugars in the forms of glucose and fructose form an important constituent of the tender nut water. Tender coconut water contains most of the minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper, sulphur, and chlorides. Coconut water contains smaller amounts of proteins. Also contains both ascorbic acid and vitamin of B croup. 
A main product that can be made by this tender coconut is vinikar  Somebody know about this product but many of us does not know about this product. This product is made of tender coconut only. What is this product? This is VINIKAR. What is vinikar?  With tender coconut water add equal quantity of brown color sugar also small quantity of pleesman eest. This mixed solution save for five weeks in a vessel. And then filterd and cleaned. This is vinikar. This is good for health. 
In Tamjlnadu coconut trees occupied in many more places. Coimbatore is one of the most important place for coconut cultivation. Coconut trees have long life span. Every coconut tree gives tender coconut for human for their thirsty and healthy. Tender coconut stalls situated mostly at the road sides also in temples and much more places. During summer season tender coconut business is commercial and top one business. In Coimbatore areas many of them install their stalls under tamarind trees. Each piece of tender coconut cost 10 rupees and above. Sometimes even 25 rupees have to sale. In summer time vehicle customers like this tender coconut for their thirsty. In Coimbatore and its road sides not only green tender coconuts also red color tender coconuts sale. for more. Red color tender coconuts are only cultivated for the purpose of tender coconut only. These tress are hybrid varieties. So they can give higher yeild. The business man purchase this tender coconut from land owners and sale for higher rate. During summer season they are all earned higher income.


Agriculture is an important one

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