Bullock Cart

BULLOCK CART-----Bullock cart or ox cart is a two wheeled or four wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen [draught cattle] it is means transportation used since ancient times in many part of the world. They are used still today where modern vehicles are too expensive or the infrastructure does not favour them. Used especially for carrying goods ,the bullock cart [also known as jinker] is attached to a bullock team by a special chain attached to yokes but a rope may also used for one or two animals. The driver and any other passengers sit on the front of the cart while load is placed on the back. The invention of the wheel used in India transportation most likely took place in Europe. In Australia bullock carts were referred to as bullock dray and were usually used to carry large loads. Drays were pulled by bullock team which could consist of 20 or more animals. In Costa Rica carts were an important aspect of the daily. life.
Costa Rica celebrities and paradise are not complete  without a traditional ox cart parade.  In Indonesia bullock carts are commanly used in the rural parts of the country where it is used for transporting goods and carriages and also people. But it is mostly common in Indonesia that there are horse cars, rather than bullock carts.  In Indonesia ox cart driver is called bajingan.  Bullock carts were widely used in Malasiya before the introduction of automobiles and many are used today. These include passengers vehicles now used for tourists.  Passengers carts are usually equipped protect against sun and rain and are often decorated.  
In India north to south bullock cart is used mostly, In Tamilnadu from ancient days to nowadays bullock cart is mainly used for people for the transportation.  Farmers used these carts for carrying vegetables to the market. Also grains and pulses are carried by bullock carts to go to sale.  In tamil culture the bride and bridegroom come to participate the marriage by bullock cart in ancient days.  Cart is decorated by color papers and flowers and come around the area by using band music and people have a joy. During Pongal festival bullocks and carts are cleaned by water and the horns have painted.  Every Tamil man and woman worship sun god and also worship cows and bullocks for this pongal time and enjoy themselves. Cows give milk bullocks give hard work to humanity,.So great salute for those animals...


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