
Quail is a small ground nesting bird in the pleasant family phasianiidea. Scientific name Coturnix coturnix. Ancient days human hunting this birds for food. But now a days government prevent the killing of quails. Somebody make as a pet bird for their home. But in commercial process quails are kept in a cage and safe in condition. Quails forms are for meat purpose and egg purpose. Only 6 weeks is enough for this quail to become a meat purpose bird. Quails have a 5 generation for a year. Many varieties in quails. Coturnix japanica is a variety for home and forms. In 6 weeks they become 120 gram weight this is meat production quail. Another one is egg production quail this gives 50%eggs at 8 weeks and 80%eggs in 10 weeks.at stage. The weight of quails egg is 10 gram. This is smaller than ghickens egg. Black dots are installed on this egg naturally. One quail lays eggs about 200 to 250 eggs in an year. 
In Tamilnaud somebody do this job. In Coimbatore also some one make these quails business. Small investment is enough for this business. In the cages system small cages are enough for this quails. Feeding boxes and small water tanks need for this cage. 2 litter water tank is enough for 100 baby quails. After 4 weeks they grow fast so they need 5 feet length 2 feet broad and 1 feet height cage normally. We have to find males and females in 4 weeks. At baby stage 100 quails need 150 gm feed for 4 days. And then 4 to 8 days they have to need 350 gm feed. After two weeks 700 gm to 900 gm feed need for quails. a matured quail eat about 10 gm to 15 gm average for a day. After 6 weeks males have weight of 120 gm and females have 150 gm alternately. There is no need for medicines for quails mostly.   Another one method is to make a form in land marks. Made of quails form is just like chicken poultry forms. The rain water does not come inside the form is most important one. Asbestas sheets enough for roof.   Inqupacter boxes for quails need for 3 weeks. This boxes are  about 4 feet length 2 feet breath and 6inches height. About 50 baby quails grow comfortably in this box. These box covered by metal sheets also fixed of Thurmostat gives heat for baby quails. Inside the form house to fulfill rice husk and powdered wood pieces. Also Hovard boxes and Infrared bulbs needed such like poultry forms. Only 3 weeks these Hovard boxes need for baby quails. Quails are quickly growing birds so they need energetic feed. Vitamins and, minerals  mixed for this feed content. Quails have to need fool of light in an average of 12 hours. Baby quails need 18 hours light so that to fix electric bulbs is must. So quails form business is a side income for farmers. 


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