Cashew nut fruit
Cashew nut fruit Cashew nut frut or Cahew Apple fruit is also one of the fruit that cultivated all over the world especialy tropical regions. It is native to North Eastern Brazil and South Eastern Venezuela.Then it is established all parts of the world in 15th century. Portuguese and Brazil began their export first in history records. In India it is planted in the year 1560 onwards in the Goa region. These trees are also large with ever green and many branches there. In records identified that the largest cashew tree covers about 81000 square feet and it is located in the city Natan, one of the city of Brazil. It is called only the name as Cashew Apple in Central America. This fruit contains only one seed in one fruit. It is cultivated only the commercial purpose of this seed. Fruits are liked by peoples but nut of this fruit is important than this fruit. Eaten raw this fruit and seeds for the purpose of cooking. The nuts of this fruit extracts from the fruit and the cashew...