Nendran fruit

 Nendran fruit

Nendran fruit is the kind of banana fruit that cultivated all over the world. Many varieties in banana fruit but Nendran is the one of the variety that used for chips and also as eat of raw. Very tasty and also delicious for everybody. This plant cultivated all parts of India. In Tamilnadu this fruit is used as for eating purpose. Also some places the chips item for marketing. Nendran chips is famous for not only in Tamilnadu also in Kerala. Kerala Nendran chips very famous and exported whole world. In Guruvayur this chips manufactured and marketed all stalls of situated there. The temple that situated in Guruvayur mostly famous and devtees sold these chips and also Halwa was another item in that place. In Tamilnadu the chips stalls of all places marketed fruits and chips for all peoples. In Coimbatore and also Pollachi these plant cultivated for commercial purpose as for irrigation system and marketed the nearest places. The nearest markets such as Pollachi and Sundarapuram are main markets of this Nendran fruit. Selling and buying in these markets every morning. 

Nendran plant is not only for fruit and chips, but also the leaves of this plant used in Tamilnadu for eating purpose. Leves of this plant marketed in many places for homes and restaurants for their usage. The cost of these leaf about 5 rupees to above price in such situation. During festival times the cost increases. But other times price decreases. But mostly the chips of these fruit manufactured and packages will be marketed by stalls with fresh in pack. Only Nendran variety is the one of the variety for chips purpose. Other banana fruits not suitable for chips item. So peoples cultivated and harvested this plant . It is the time of 8 months or more for harvesting in its life circle. The fruits are not only as color of red but black in color is very taste to eat. So very riped fruits used as eating purpose. The lenghth of this fruit is one feet and also one piece of this fruit as the cost of ten rupees in all places. Also some peoples boiled this fruit and then eat for there desire. Boiling Nendran fruits is healthy for the body. Health benifits are strong for eating Nendran fruit. 

So Nendran fruit is one of the fruit for several purpose of use. The production of this fruit India in fitst place. China in the second place while Philippines, Colombia, Indonesia, Brazil are in next places. Bananas used for cooking is called plantains. These plant showing historical records that New Guinea is the ancient culture place. Then it spread through East Africa, and South Asia. The flowers of this plant used as a vegetable in some places. Also the fiber is used in the production of banana paper. In India it is culture fruit that used the events of festivals and functions such as wedding and other cultural events. The fruits, leaves, flowers are used for common purpose of cooking. Although these fruit contains Potasium content. Vitamin C and Manganese more in this fruit. These fruits must be transported over long distances from thr tropics to world market. To obtain maximum shelflife harvest comes before the fruit is mature. Exports fruits are picked green and riben in special rooms. These rooms are tight and the vivid yellow color became as the normal fruit. So these fruits are mostly marketed worldwide and export by shipping worldwide. 


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