
Showing posts from October, 2016


Hello viewers thankful to all of you for viewing my blog.  From ancient days to nowadays agriculture is an important one for our humanity.  I have to give you some messages and particulars about agriculture and its related items.  Sericulture is also a related one for agriculture. Also dairy, poultry and much more.  Plantation of crops and cultivation and harvest are the related from of agriculture.  Not only in India worldwide also have to give most important of agriculture because we alive only with agriculture products.  In Tamilnadu agriculture sources give main income such as from Grains, Pulses, Vegetables, and fruits.  These are all comes under the agriculture categry. All these items are about to view and read here with some particular images. So all of you view this blog and get use of it..THANK  YOU...


LIME LIME---Lime is known as lemon.  It is a citrus fruit .There are several species of citrus trees whoose fruits are called limes.  Although the precise origin is uncertain ,limes are beleived to have first grown in Indonesia or South East Asia then were transported to the Mediterean region Northern Africa.  Lime have higher contents of sugar and acids. Lime fruits boost in popularity in the US in the past two decades .This has promoted many home gardens to plant a lime tree of their own, whether you live in an area where lime trees can grow out doors. Growing lime trees can be rewarding and fun.  Many people choose to purchase a lime plant from a local nursery rather than grow them from seed.  When growing lime trees make sure that where your lime tree will be planted will receive plenty of sun shine.  Then make sure the drainage is excellent.   There are couple of way to grow a lime tree from seed and knowing how to plant a lime seed is important for succes. Plant the


BULLOCK--- BULLOCK---- Bullock is a animal mostly connected with human activities. Ancient times bullock is great participent for culture,and needed one for human rotating life.    An ox is also known as bullock in Australia and India. Oxen is used for plowing for transport [pulling carts ,hauling wagans and even riding]  oxen may be used also in forests particularly in low impact. Oxen are usually yoked in pairs, light work such as carting household items on good roads just required one pair and for heavier work further pairs would be added. Working oxen are tought to respond to the signals of ox driver. Most breeds of cows, bulls, steers, they are all able to have horns but is depends on the genetics. In genetics horns are recessive and poiled is dominent. In India bullocks have entered all location. They are all not only riding carts also cultivated lands for agriculture uses. In Tamilnadu bullocks have a great important for every farmers.Nowadays the tractors come to cul


SUNFLOWER--Helianthus is the Genus name of sunflower. All Helianthus species are native of North America. The common name sunflower typically refers to the species helanthus,the common sunflower whose round flower heads in combination with the ligulels look like the sun. Sunflowers are usually tall annual or perennial plants that grow op to 300 centimetres. They bear one or more wide terminal capitula [flower heads] with bright yellow ray florets at the outside and yellow or maroon,also known as a brown/ During growth flowers tilt during the day to face the sun. By the time they are mature,sunflowers generally face east, The disc of a sunflower is made up of many little flowers. Sunflowers grow best in locations with direct sun [6 to 8 hours day] they prefer long hot summer to flower well.The sunflowers have long tap roots which need to stretch out so the plants prefer well draining soil,in preparing a bed ,dig down 2 feet in depth and about 3 feet across to ensure the soil.  Bjrds


TOMATO--------A tomato is the edible often red fruits from the plant Solanium lycopercicum.,commanly known  as tomato plant. The tomato is consumed in divers ways including raw as an incredient in many dishes,sauces,salads and drinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes which has caused some cunfusion.  The tomato belongs to the nightshade family. The plants typically grow to 1-3metres in hight and have a weak stem that often sprawels over the ground. An average common tomato weighs 102-103 grams. The tomatto is now grown worldwide for its edible fruits. About 150 million tons of tomatoes were produced in the world in 2009. China is the largest producer followed by United States and India. There are around 7500 tomato varieties grown for various purposes. Hybrid plants remain common since they tend to be heavier producers. Tomato varieties are roughly divided into several catagries based mostly on shape and size.   PLUM TOMATO--These