LIME---Lime is known as lemon.  It is a citrus fruit .There are several species of citrus trees whoose fruits are called limes.  Although the precise origin is uncertain ,limes are beleived to have first grown in Indonesia or South East Asia then were transported to the Mediterean region Northern Africa.  Lime have higher contents of sugar and acids. Lime fruits boost in popularity in the US in the past two decades .This has promoted many home gardens to plant a lime tree of their own, whether you live in an area where lime trees can grow out doors. Growing lime trees can be rewarding and fun.  Many people choose to purchase a lime plant from a local nursery rather than grow them from seed.  When growing lime trees make sure that where your lime tree will be planted will receive plenty of sun shine.  Then make sure the drainage is excellent.   There are couple of way to grow a lime tree from seed and knowing how to plant a lime seed is important for succes. Plant the seed  directly in a pot of soil or place it in a plastic bag and allow them to buy for a couple days. Germination usually occurs within a couple of weeks. 
In India Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu are the locations of lime cultivation.  Mostly home growth plants.  In every home have lime tree for the purpose of edible use. Lime juice is healthy for life cycle. Mixed sugar and water with lime juice is called sarbath in Tamilnadu,it gives releif in thirsty. In summer seasons many more stalls opened and surved lime juice items. Also lime pickles are main part in meals for side dish. For curd rice the lime pickle is must for eat. The lime fruit pickle is made from the mixing of salt and oil. This is favourite dish in Tamilnadu. The sour of lime is liked by most people.Citric acid fully content this lime fruit make humanities digestion well. Kidney stone problem is cure for to take lime juice.    Also lime fruit is needed one for devoties. In temples the lime fruit submit to in front of god and worship. This an ancient culture. The worship fruits after taken by devoties get it and come to home at their praying place. The gods Durga, Saraswathi and Lakshmi are worship by lime fruit mostly.  In temples lime fruit is important item for hindus.


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