SUNFLOWER--Helianthus is the Genus name of sunflower. All Helianthus species are native of North America. The common name sunflower typically refers to the species helanthus,the common sunflower whose round flower heads in combination with the ligulels look like the sun. Sunflowers are usually tall annual or perennial plants that grow op to 300 centimetres. They bear one or more wide terminal capitula [flower heads] with bright yellow ray florets at the outside and yellow or maroon,also known as a brown/ During growth flowers tilt during the day to face the sun. By the time they are mature,sunflowers generally face east, The disc of a sunflower is made up of many little flowers. Sunflowers grow best in locations with direct sun [6 to 8 hours day] they prefer long hot summer to flower well.The sunflowers have long tap roots which need to stretch out so the plants prefer well draining soil,in preparing a bed ,dig down 2 feet in depth and about 3 feet across to ensure the soil.  Bjrds and squirrels well show in the seeds. Harvesting of sunflower is importent To harvest seeds keep an eye out for ripcness. The back of the flower head will turn from green to yellow and the bracts will begin to dry and turn brown this happens about 30 to 45 days after bloom and seed moisture in about 35% .Generally when the head turns brown on the back seeds are usually ready for harvest.Cut the head of the plant and remove the seeds with fingers or fork. To product the seeds from birds cover the flowers with a light fabric such as cheese cloth and a rubber band.
In Tamilnadu a few locations only cultivated  sunflower.  Most one thing we have to know is that the BEES needed for this crop for higher yeild.  The bees collect honey from this flowers make a scientific form of high yeild, also it is true. So honey bee boxes arranged in this sunflower farms and bees help the farmer get the higher yeild. Also get honey from bees ,so two much benefit for this system. So bees are true friends for not only the farmers also the sunflowers.  
SUNFLOWER OIL-----Sunflower oil is used mostly for cooking.  It is non volatile oil compressed from the seeds of sunflower.  It is commonly used in food as a frying oil.  The worlds largest sunflower oil producers are Russia, Ukraine, and Argentina.  The oil content the seed ranges from 22% to 36% [average 28%] the kernal contains 45 % to 55% oil.  The expressed oil is of  light amber color with a mild and pleasent flavor, refined oil is pale yellow.  Refining losses are low and the oil has good keeping qualities with light tendency for flaver  reversion . The oil contains appreciable quantities of vitamin E, sterols squalene, and other aliphatic hydrocarbons.  Several types of sunflower oil is produced such as high linoleic  high oleic and mild oleic.  Refined sunflower oil is used for low to extremly high temprature cooking.  .so sunflower is mixed in human life mostly. 


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