
Watermelon is a kind of fruit cultivated all over the world. It is mostly cultivated in tropical regions. It is the family of Curcurbitaceae. It is botanically called as Pepo. The sweet flesh with many black seeds inside. It can be eaten raw or it can be used as for juice. The sweet watermelon was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 Swedish botanist and zoologist. It has been found from the second Millenium BC onwards in Nile Valley.  Not only a food storage also as a method of water storage in it. In 7th century watermelons were being cultivated in India. Then in 10th century it can be cultivated in China. But now China is the largest producer of watermelon worldwide. Also Africa and European countries cultivated then. In Pacific Islands this fruit introduced by James Cook in his voyages of 1768 and 1779. Seedless watermelons were developed in 1939 by Japanese Scientists. Seedless watermelons were most popular in 21st century. The farmers of Zentsuji region of Japan found a way by growing the fruits in metal and glass boxes and making them the shape of the receptacle. Cubic is a three diamond size. These shape of watermelons easier to stake and store. Square watermelons commonly sold in Japan. It is expensive. 

Many number of cultivar groups were identified. Citroides group has sweaty yellow flesh. It is cultivated worldwide. The another group Lanatus group has juicy white flesh and is mostly in Kalakari desert. Another group named Vulgaris group a west African species that cultivated for cattle feed. More varieties such as 1000 varieties cultivated all over the world. More colors such as red, pink, orange, yellow, and white flesh watermelons cultivated.The variety Carolina Cross has red flesh and had 90 days of harvest. The Golden Midget has pink flesh and it takes 70 days of harvest. The Orangeglo has orange flesh and it has 90 days for harvest. The variety of Moon and Stars has purple flesh and it has 90 days for harvest. The Cream Saskatchewan has small in size round fruits as dark green and 80 days of harvest. Melitopolski has small in size fruits and 95 days for harvest originated of Russia. Another variety Densuke watermelons round in shape and is only grown in Hokkaido Japan. The rind is black with no stripes. This is the most expensive watermelon ever sold such as price of $250. 

In India watermelon planted more places. In Tamilnadu it is as a summer fruit for all peoples. No need full of irrigation. Also no need of heavy rain. But have higher yield for farmers and earn more money for these crap. During summer season of April, May and June the watermelon harvested in main places and marketed for all peoples. Many stalls of all towns the watermelon marketed as full fruit or small pieces for the thirsty of hot summer. The small pieces cost as ten rupees or twenty rupees for sell there. The vegetable markets of Kinathukkadavu, Pollachi and Coimbatore the watermelon fruits marketed for purchase. The stalls named Pazhamudhir Nilayam marketed all places. Also road side stalls and bus stand side stalls mostly used for all peoples to purchase these fruit. During the time of afternoon these fruits liked and purchased all peoples. Childrens used these fruits as juice and drink it with ice water for their thirsty.Also some people added sugar for tasty and have fun for thirsty. So all of us like watermelon and have for our use of eat for thirsty in summer. Eat healthy. Eat sweaty. Eat for thirsty. 



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