Malgova Mango

Malgova is a variety of mango mostly cultivated in Salem, Tamilnadu. This is the tasty fruit than other mango varieties. Not only in Salem also Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and in Andhrapradesh, Karnataka Malgova mango fruits cultivates and harvested in all places. Taste of Malgova liked all peoples in worldwide. Every year in summer these fruits harvested and marketed all stalls and small stores also. Exported this fruit from India to foreign countries. To purchase these fruit even one fruit also. But purchased by weight of kilos by peoples  for their desire. Many varieties in Tamilnadu for sale such as Senthuram, Pankanappalli and more. But Malgova is peak in taste and like by most. The soil and climate situation successful for Malgova tree. Salem Malgova famous for all countries and imported by all countries to eat for their desire. Raw fruit and also juice of this fruit marketed for all. The factories purchased these fruit for whole sale and manufactured as juice and bottled there to supply. Maaza is the main company for produced these juice bottle. Maaza liked by children's for drinking in summer. The price of the single bottle in low price such as twenty rupees and more. 

Malgova also known as Malgoba a variety that was transplanted in Florida. The US variety is smaller in size and round in shape. Florida variety is more yellowish rich spicy and sweet. It is late ripening mango..Harvested mostly in May. So it is known as summer fruit. But it is harvested in Florida in the month of July and August. This is the origin of American city. Mulgoba was sent from India to the US in 1889 as part of program to introduce tropical fruit to America. The trees were brought from Bombay to Washington. Alphonse is the another variety sent to America with Mulgoba. Also Mulgob grown around South Gujarat and Bombay. Mulgoba was the parent of the Haden mango. The Haden mango is named mango cultivar that become one of the most widely cultivated in the world after it was introduced the early 20th century through South Florida. It would ultimately become the parent of many other mango cultivars later developed in Florida. 

 Mulgoba never became an established commercial cultivar and has not been sold as nursery stock for decades. However Mulgoba trees are still part of the collections of USDA's germplasm repository in Miami and Florida. USDA is the United States Department of Agriculture also known as the Agriculture Department as the federal executive department. Mulgoba was quickly recognized for its outstanding eating quality and eye catching color. Mulgoba planted from a Malgoba seed and was result of a cross between the Mulgoba and Turpentine 10 Mango. Haden would go on to become the parent of the Florida mangoes and thus most Florida mangoes are descended from Mulgoba. Mulgoba was also reportedly a parent of the Lancetilla Mango as well as the Keitt Mango. Lancetilla mango is named as mango cultivar in Honduras. Lancetilla was introduced the United States via South Florida. These fruits are quite large at maturity. Color is red also oval in shape. Keitt is a late season mango. It was the research of University of Florida's Tropical Research and Education Centre in Hamestad Florida. 


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