
Sugarcane is a kind of plant that used for sugar production. This plant growth about 2-6 meter tall with jointed fibrous stacks and rich in sucrose. It grown in tropical regions and sub topical regions. Sucrose is extracted from sugarcane in some mill factories. Sugarcane was an ancient crop of the Austronacean and Paupuan peoples. These peoples are in Madacascar, Taiwan and South East Asia. Also Pauans as in Gunea and neighbering Islands. In India it is introduced in between the sixth an fourth centuries. Merchants began to trade in sugar which has considered a luxurious and expensive spice from India. China and Taiwan also planted in ancient centuries. Christopher Columbus first brought sugarcane to the Caribbean during his second voyage to the America initially to the Island of Hispaniola. France found its sugarcane Islands so valuable that it trade it ports of Canada. During 19th century sugarcane juice converted into raw sugar. Sugar often in the form of molasses was shipped from the Caribbean to Europe where it was used to make rum. 

Sugarcane is cultivated in tropics with a plentiful supply of water for a continuous period of more than 6 to 7 months each year. Sugarcane can be grown on many soils ranging from highly fertile and well drained lands. This has made desert countries with good irrigation facilities such as Egypt. The countries of America and Australia billet planting is common. In the period of 7 - 8 months the sugarcane harvested by hand and also now for mechanically. Mechanical harvesting use a combine or sugarcane harvestor. In this process the sugarcane harvested the machinery with large size of pieces. This machine cuts faster than the hand and more efficiently than hand cutting and loading. Traditionally sugarcane processing requires two stages. Mills extract raw sugar from freshly harvested and mill white sugar is some times produced immediately after the first stage of sugar extraction mills. Sugar crystals appear naturally white in color during the crystallization process. Sugar refining further furifies the raw sugar. The sugar solution is by the addition of phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide. 

Global production of sugarcane, Brazil producing about 40% and India with 20% and Thailand producing 6% in world wide. Ethanal is generally available a byproduct of sugar production. It can be used as a biofuel alternative to gasoline. In Brazil gasoline is required to contain at least 22% Ethanal. 75 tons of raw sugarcane produced annually per hectare in Brazil. Sugarcane is major crop in many countries. Sugarcane crop is also able to efficiently fix solar energy. Sugarcane baggase is a potentially abundant source of energy for large producers such as Brazil, India and China. Baggase is usually burned to produce steam which in turn creates electricity. Production of electricity is to convert biogas. Technologies are being developed to use enzymes as advanced biofuel.  

In Tamilnadu sugarcane cultivated all parts of the water irrigation places. This crop mostly needed water to growth the lands. In Coimbatore Anamalai is the main place for cultivate sugarcane. Also in Pollachi sugarcane cultivated by well water irrigation areas. In Udumalai also this crop cultivated by formers and have good income with this crop. But percentage of cultivation of this crop slowly come down. Because the coconut trees mostly occupied for cultivate more. So sugarcane is a rare crop in this areas. Sugar extracted from sugarcane by machines and packed by the farmers and marketed by there. Also big machine mills Bannari sugar factory gathered the sugarcane and extract sugar with huge machines. So sugarcane is a good income crop in all places. 


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