
Cucumber is the most ancient originate vegetable in history records. About 3000 years of its origin in India. Also Cucumber introduced many parts of Europe, Greeks, Roman and France. Pliny The Elder was a Roman Author, philosopher and the Emperor of Tiberius had used cucumber daily in his routine life. Romans used cucumber for their life of their life circle. During 9th century cucumber crown in gardens for food purposes. It is the family of Cucurbitaceae and the Genus of Cucumis. The Bio chemical name is Cucumis Sativus. Cucumbers are growing on vines. It is as cylindrical shape fruits. for our plantation. Also as a vegetable in both purpose from ancient days to nowadays. It is planted all over the world such as Asia, North America and also Europe. The vine has large leaves and fruits over there. The shape of this cucumbers have 62 centimetres large and 10 centimetres long also 4 centimetres wide. It consist of 95% water in it. The pollination of this plant made by honey bees and bumble bees for nature events durinr flowers there. It is usually grown in green houses. But in India harvested in the lands of dry areas. 

In Tamilnadu cucumber cultivated all places. It is the vegetable of tropical region. No need of irrigation for this plant. It is the cheap vegetable also cheap fruit of Tamilnadu. During summer cucumber mostly liked by all peoples. Full of water consist this plant so that drinking water is not eager to all peoples. In the city of all places the small packages of polythene have been purchased by custumars. Also street sides and market places and bus stand sides this cucumber buy for all. Very cheap rate and also good for health. No need to drinking water if it that vegetable. The fruits of this plant also eat by all people. Burbless cucumbers are sweeter and have a thinner skin than other varieties of cucumber. They are reputed to be easy to digest and have a pleasant taste. Curcurbita is a genus of herbaceous vines in the guard family. Curcurbitacea native to the Andes and Meosomerica. Five species are grown worldwide for their edible fruit variously known as squash or pumpkin or guard. Cucumber is a crreping vine that roots in ground. It grows up normally made to support and display climbing plants especially shrubs. 

Three main cultivar groups for cultivation of cucumber. Slicing cucumbers are grown commercially longer, smoother more uniform in color. Also tougher skin. These are planted in North America. Another one is often called European Cucumbers. These are smaller in size more delicate skin. The another one is Telegraph Cucumber particularly cultivated in Australia. Pickling as a one of the another variety. Pickled cucumber is a cucumber that has been pickled in a brine, vinegar or other solution. Pickled cucumbers are often part of mixed pickles. Those cucumbers intended for pickling called picklers. Bumby skin tiny white or black dotted spines. But color can vary such as yellow or dark green. Gherkin is the third variety called cornichons or baby picklers. These are bumby skin typically used for pickling. Also known as small pickled cucumber. The term is also used Cucumis Anguria. Cucumis Anguria commonly known as Maroon Cucumber or West Indian Guard. The third variety is Burbless. This is sweeter and thinner, long in size and also more in taste. These are mostly seedless as fruit. 

Health benefits of eating cucumber- It is high in nutrients. It contains 45 calories, protein fibre, and Vitamin C,K and also Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese include it. It contains also Antioxidants. Free radicals can lead to several types of chronic illness. Fruits and vegetables of cucumbers are commonly cure heart disease, cancer and also lung problems. The another benefit is to promote hydration. Water is the crucial to our body's function while the mejority of our fluid needs by drinking water. So cucumber is the main source for water to our body. All these fruits are potentially help to lose weight in different ways. Reduce blood sugar levels and prevent some complaint of diabetes. 


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